
Group football training for your child in Harlesden every week of the school term. Just find a day and time that suits you.

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Harlesden Academy

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Professional footballers start here

Our weekly football coaching sessions serve as a solid base for boys and girls looking to have more fun with their football, advance to local clubs or even join professional academies. To date, we have seen over 200 of our players go on to sign professional contracts.

The weather won’t stop us

Both indoor and outdoor spaces are available, ensuring that your child's comfort is always a priority. During the winter, small spaces are used to focus on football skills and technique, with the goal of allowing players to thrive on larger fields in the summer.

Sign up for a block - not the whole year

A comprehensive one-year syllabus is in place, but you don't have to commit to it all at once. We offer flexibility in our weekly football coaching through block session arrangements.

Each week is different. A typical block booking includes this:

Age Appropriate Training

Training is tailored to each child's age and ability level. We want to inspire children to love the game. We want them to push their parents to bring them to football! For our older players and more talented players, we aim to challenge them without harming their confidence.


4 skills your child will learn:


We prioritise teaching basics like passing and shooting, reinforcing them through 1-on-1 practice with similar-skilled players. This all-encompassing approach ensures players learn fundamental skills and game techniques while developing additional attributes like confidence and decision-making.


We keep our weekly training session groups small - just 10 children per coach. This means that players not only get the attention and coaching they need, but also that they can build strong, everlasting friendships without the pressure of a large group.


We’re all about getting kids moving. Our sessions not only help teach and build basic football skills, but also physical skills that can be applied to other sports or situations as your child grows older. They’ll improve their physical fitness, as well as speed, strength and agility.


Our unique weekly training sessions also help your child’s cognitive development. You’ll be able to see your child’s progress in areas such as listening, concentration, confidence and decision making.

Why WMF is the perfect place for your child

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My 7 year old son Ray has really enjoyed his classes with Frazer and the team. Good skills, good fun and plenty of learning taking place.

Ben R, Parent

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Frequently asked questions

What is the youngest age you can start training from?

The youngest age you can start our weekly sessions from is 4 (although some children start at 3 and a half). However we tend to advise parents to try a class first, as it can be more challenging than other classes aimed at children between 2-3 years old.


Do you give any nutritional advice to children?

Although we don’t give personalised nutritional advice to each individual player per se, we are looking into the possibilities of implementing this in the future. We do offer general healthy lifestyle and nutritional tips on our Instagram page for young players to have a look at.

Does your training only run during term time?

Yes, our training runs parallel to the school term time in your area. To be sure about when the sessions are running, log into your Parent Area and view your child’s bookings to view the training dates they are to attend.

If you want something to do during the holidays, visit our Holiday Camp page to see what camps are available in your area.

How does my child get a trial with a professional club?

We Make Footballers have strong links with professional academies, putting forward children who have been excelling in their sessions with us. If your child has been attending our weekly training, holiday camps and taking part in regular 1-2-1 sessions for a while they will likely have reached a level where they are able to trial at a professional club. Your child’s academy manager will be the best person to speak to with regard to their progress and how far they are from an academy trial.

How does my child join a football team?

We Make Footballers is partnered with many local clubs and have agreements in place to provide players and teams starting from Under 7 all the way up to Under 13. Local grassroots teams start looking for children at the Under 6 age group (School Year 1). For this reason we hold trials for Under 6 players who attend our weekly training for scouts from local teams to have a look at. From there they select the children they would like for their teams in the new season. If your child has been training with us for a while, is developing well and registers an interest in playing competitive football, we will help them to join a team.

Are your coaches DBS checked?

Yes all of our coaches are fully DBS checked and at least one member of staff on-site will be first aid trained.

Is training indoors and what does my child need to bring?

Generally the training will be outdoors during the Spring and Summer Terms and indoors during the Autumn and Winter Terms. However we all know what the British weather is like and so this is subject to change. If you are unsure, speak to your academy manager and bring both indoor and outdoor footwear so your child is ready to train whatever the weather. Your child will need a full sports kit including a t-shirt, shorts and socks as well as some warm and waterproof clothing. Also don’t forget to bring plenty of water-based drinks!

What will you teach my child?

Your child will learn to develop their ball manipulation, technique, game understanding and movement in a safe, structured and fun environment under the watchful eye of our experienced coaches. Our sessions, drills and games are tailored to each age group so players will always get the most out of their training. Ultimately we aim to make every child that attends our sessions the best footballer they can be.

Do you provide toddler football training classes?

Toddler Football Classes: 2-4 Year Old Pre-School Sessions

At some of our football training centres we offer introductory fun football sessions for toddlers. Children that are of pre-school/nursery age (2-4 years old) need lessons that focus on games, fun and freedom to play to introduce them to football. Our toddler football training has been curated to educate younger children the fun-damentals of the sport, which involves a concentration on players' ABCs (Agility, Balance & Coordination). 

We welcome players of all abilities to join us. Our skilled and enthusiastic coaching team will endeavour to fill our toddler football classes with fun all whilst helping players to develop both socially and technically. If you are interested in 2-4 year old football training sessions please enquire with your local academy.


How do I start training my child for football?

To get your child started playing football, the best advice we can give is get them to just start playing. You can play in the garden, at the local park, at their school or at a football training centre like We Make Footballers. To get the ball rolling (pun very much intended), you can book your child in for a free session at one of our weekly sessions. Use our website to find the centre which is closest to you.

Is football good for 4 year olds?

Many health experts, including the NHS, concur that football is excellent for 4 year old child's physical and mental health. They are encouraged to make new friends and have fun whilst developing their football skills.

How many times a week should a child train football?

A child should train as many times a week as they wish to. The more they practise, the better they will become. We Make Footballers is usually just part of a mix of different footballing activity, such as playing football at the park, or with friends at school. If We Make Footballers training under our coaches guidance is the only football training they do, this will still be a huge accumulative benefit for them over the months they train. As mentioned, we recommend that a child plays as much as they wish to as part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

What is the best age to start football training?

This is a hot topic and it really depends on what you consider as 'football training'. Some parents start building their childs love for the game when they are in the cot, playing the champions league theme song to them as a lullaby and replacing teddy bears with soft cuddly footballs. There are also parents who will have them playing with mini footballs before they can even walk. Ultimately, the best age to start football training is really down to when your child begins demonstrating an interest in wanting to play, and the way in which you or a coach appropriately trains the child relevant to their ability, age and desire. Whatever age, our suggestion is to always ensure they are having fun when they play and that the environment they are playing in is safe.

The youngest age a player can start attending our weekly sessions is 4 years old, however our sessions are for players aged 4-12 and players can start their football journey with us at any age.

How do I make my child a football star?

Becoming a football star is usually synonymous with wealth and fame. We believe that the aim should always simply to be the best footballer you can be. This is achieved through a combination of hard work, duration of training, dedication, mental aptitude, and effective coaching. 

We aim to make every every child that attends our sessions the best footballer that they can be. If a child is willing to put in the hard work and train often, they have a higher chance of becoming a top player. We Make Footballers have strong links with professional academies, putting forward children who have been excelling at our sessions.

How do I teach my child not to be scared to tackle in football?

The best method we have identified for reducing fear in tackling is practice. The more a child practises tackling, the more confident they will become.

At our weekly sessions, players are taught how to both attack and defend well. Our coaches encourage players to be confident in 1v1 situations and show them how to tackle and win the ball from the opposition. Our players will learn how to defend during the drills at our sessions, and then put what they have learnt into practise during both the 1v1s and team matches at our sessions. Our session formula is a 10 minute warm up, 2 x 10 minute drills and 30 minutes match time.

Should I let my son or daughter join a football academy?

We believe that the more football practice a child does, the better player they will be. If your child is invited to attend a training session at a professional academy, they will ultimately have access to more training. It is therefore our recommendation that if they are invited to join a football academy, and you have considered the downsides, they should attend these sessions as the increase in training time will be beneficial to their football development. Simply put, the more training your child has access to, the better it is for their development. The training will also likely be of high quality and against other advanced players giving your child the ability to challenge and grow their ability.

However, you might want to consider weighing up the downsides such as travel distance, any disruption to education and their enjoyment of the game in what is sometimes a high pressure environment. They may also be 'cut' from the academy if their performance is not well regarded by the academy coaches.  If you choose to let your son or daughter join a professional academy, we recommend that you discuss the potential negative outcome with your child and be clear that this is their journey and you will be there for them whatever they decide and whatever the outcome.

We Make Footballers have strong links with professional academies, putting forward children who have been excelling at our sessions.

How do I build my son's confidence in football?

The more a child practises football, the better they will become and the more their confidence will increase. It's as simple as that. If they are nervous around other children, start them playing with a few friends they feel comfortable with or even just one on one with you. When they are comfortable in this environment, bring them into a class. We have 1 coach for every 10 children, so are able to ensure each child receives adequate attention and support in our sessions. Our coaches are well trained to encourage players to be confident in both attacking and defending 1v1 situations.

How do I build my daughter's confidence in football?

The more kids play football, the better they get and their confidence increases. Our coaches are well trained to encourage players to be confident both offensively and defensively in 1v1 situations.

How can I improve my child's fitness for football?

How you improve fitness in children is dependant on age and ability. If a child is 3-6 years old, you may want to focus on games and fun as the 'play' will be great exercise. If they are older you will want to give them more challenging games that stimulate them while also are more difficult physically. Introducing jogging, cycling or swimming without a 'gamified' element is beneficial when they are a little older.

Taking part in weekly football sessions will improve a child's fitness levels. Our coaches aim to push players to train at a high intensity and work hard. Jogging around local parks will also help a child's fitness improve. Attending a We Make Footballers holiday development camp is a great way for children to increase their fitness as this is 5 hours of football (with breaks for drinks and lunch). Your child will learn to develop their ball manipulation, technique, game understanding and movement in a safe, structured and fun environment.

How much does football training cost?

Depending on the academy, our weekly training sessions range from £7.00 to £12.00 per session. We ensure that all sessions have 1 coach for every 10 children and have excellent facilities.

How do I get my child in shape for football?

Eating healthily, drinking lots of water and training often will help assist your child with their football development.

Are your coaches DBS checked?

Yes, all of our coaches are fully DBS, and at least one member of staff on-site will be first aid trained.

Is parking available?

There is paid parking on Munster road and in the surrounding area.

Is parking available?

Yes, please use the multi storey car park opposite us.

What age can I start training my son for football?

Children can begin taking part in football training sessions as soon as they are old enough to express an interest in kicking a ball. Lots of children begin attending football sessions from as early as 4 or 5 years old, others do not start until a later age. At 4 or 5 years old, the focus should be on introducing them to the sport in a fun and age appropriate manner. The emphasis at this age should be on developing basic motor skills, coordination and a love for the game. As children become older and more comfortable with a ball at their feet, they can begin to develop more specific football-related skills. It is vital that children learn the correct technqiue for dribbling, shooting and passing from a young age as otherwise bad habits can be formed.

Is parking available?


Is there free parking?

Yes, up to 2 hours free.

Do you offer anything other than weekly training?

Yes absolutely! We hold regular holiday camps – so when your child doesn’t have weekly training during the school holidays, they can come along to our all-day football camps for hours of fun and activities. We also host amazing football birthday parties with a Zorb Ball option available. And if you think your child could do with that bit of extra help to get them to the next level with their football, we offer 1-2-1 sessions where your child can get personal training with one of our experienced coaches.

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