
How do I know if my child’s football coach is good?

We Make Footballers
01 April 2022

To ensure that your child is getting the best possible footballing education, you have to be confident in the coaching that they are receiving. This poses a difficult question: how do you know if your child’s football coach is good?

At the most basic level, they should certainly be FA Qualified. Being FA qualified means that they’ve been trained to deliver sessions by the governing body and are qualified to do so. They would have learned the four corner football coaching model and how important their work is in these areas: technical, physical, social and psychological.

But what else should you look out for? Here are some of the ways in which you can tell if your child’s football coach is good.

A good coach works on skills not just relevant to football

There are lots of coaches out there who think that by concentrating solely on football skills – passing, shooting, dribbling – they can turn players into the next Eden Hazard.

Football is about so much more than those basics though. The very best players are those who have agility, balance and spatial awareness. A good coach will recognise that and run sessions accordingly, covering those underrated aspects of the game as well as football specific skills.

They recognise weaknesses and coach them

Unless you are one of the very best players in the world, then everybody has areas of their game in which they can improve. This is especially true in children who are just starting out on their footballing journeys – and because they are young, correcting bad habits or improving on weaknesses during the early days of their development is doubly important.

A good coach knows this. They’ll be able to spot areas of a player’s game which require work and offer them one-on-one coaching to achieve that aim. The best coaches are those who are always looking to deliver improvements to the players under their wing.

They’ll help a player’s development

If a player has genuine designs on making it into a professional academy or a top local grassroots team, then a good coach will put their all into helping them achieve those aims. We’ve already talked about recognising and improving weaknesses, but that goes beyond this.

They’ll be able to offer advice on physical development, mental toughness, extra resources and drills a player can try in their own time away from coaching sessions. They’ll also be able to suggest a pathway towards securing a trial with an academy or club, as well as having links with clubs or scouts which could help on the player’s journey.

They have strong social skills and understand the importance of fun

A good coach is one who is approachable to both parents and players and has a good sense of humour. If you’ve got concerns about how your child is progressing or just want some more information on the coach’s plans going forward, then you should be able to have a comprehensive and informative chat with them. That way, they earn your trust and you’ll feel comfortable with them.

From a child’s point of view, they should feel like they can talk to their coach about their own game and what they need to do to improve. They should like and respect their coach as that is the basis of a good relationship between the two.

Perhaps most important of all though is that a good football coach will have a sense of humour. Children tend to learn and improve more when they are enjoying something, so a coach who delivers fun and engaging sessions and can make kids laugh is far more likely to succeed than one who runs repetitive drills, seeks perfection and puts too much pressure on their players to perform.

Your child has fun

Ultimately, football is meant to be fun – especially for children who are just starting out in the game. If your child comes home from their training sessions happy and looks forward to going every week, then chances are you’ve found the right coach for them.

Our coaches at We Make Footballers are FA qualified and highly trained, with each session focusing on player development and fun. To experience our sessions delivered by some of the best coaches in your area, book a free trial today!