
The We Make Footballers Nut Free Policy

We Make Footballers aims to practise a nut free policy although we recognise that this cannot be guaranteed. This policy serves to set out all measures to reduce the risk to those children and adults who may suffer an anaphylactic reaction if exposed to nuts to which they are sensitive. 


We Make Footballers aims to protect children who have allergies to nuts. We will make available our Nut Policy to new customers so parents are aware that we do not allow nuts or nut products within our setting for snack, lunch boxes or party cake or seasonal treats and we outline the symptoms of anaphylaxis. 

Anaphylaxis (also known as anaphylactic shock) is an allergic condition that can be severe and potentially fatal. Anaphylaxis is your body’s immune system reacting badly to a substance (an allergen), such as food, which it wrongly perceives as a threat. The whole body can be affected, usually within minutes of contact with an allergen, though sometimes the reaction can happen hours later. 


The onus falls on all coaching staff to read and follow this policy. Staff and volunteers must ensure they do not bring in or consume nut products within any We Make Footballers environment and ensure they follow good hand washing practice. Caution must be taken at certain times of year such as Easter and Christmas. If Staff distribute confectionary care must be taken to ensure that no nuts are included in the product. Fruit sweets such as Haribo are a better alternative. Particular products that are a cause for concern are: “Celebrations – Roses – Heroes - Quality Street”. All product packaging must be checked for warnings directed at nut allergy sufferers and if the following or similar are displayed, the product must not be used in school without supervision of staff and supervised hand washing:  “Not suitable for nut allergy sufferers  This product contains nuts  This product may contain traces of nuts.”


Parents must notify staff of any known or suspected allergy to nuts and provide all needed information detailed on their child’s individual Healthcare plan. Parents must not bring in any food or treats (such as for birthdays) unless they have checked the ingredients carefully. Likewise for snack and lunch box choices, if you’re unsure about a selection please speak to a staff member before bringing in the food item into pre-school. Packaging must be checked for:  “Not suitable for nut allergy sufferers  This product contains nuts  This product may contain traces of nuts.” Lunch box items will be removed by staff and replaced with snack items if containing nuts or nut products. 

Where we have been provided with individual Healthcare plans for children with allergies we will discuss this with the parent/carer and medication will be stored and administered in accordance with guidance given. In addition, quick reference emergency cards are located near our First Aid box which contains information on the allergy list and emergency contact details for that child. Staff and parents are made aware of this policy and the symptoms associated with anaphylaxis. 


All children are regularly reminded about the good hygiene practice of washing hands before and after eating which helps to reduce the risk of secondary contamination. Likewise children are reminded and carefully supervised to minimise the act of food sharing with their friends. 

If a child with an allergy has any doubts or concerns that they may have ingested or been in  contact with nuts, they are asked to speak to a member of staff immediately.


The symptoms of anaphylaxis usually start between 3 and 60 minutes after contact with the allergen. Less commonly, they can occur a few hours or even days after contact. An anaphylactic reaction may lead to feeling unwell or dizzy or may cause fainting due to a sudden drop in blood pressure. Narrowing of the airways can also occur at the same time, with or without the drop in blood pressure. This can cause breathing difficulties and wheezing. Other symptoms:  swollen eyes, lips, genitals, hands, feet and other areas (this is called angioedema),  itching,  a strange metallic taste in the mouth,  sore, red, itchy eyes,  changes in heart rate  a sudden feeling of extreme anxiety or apprehension  itchy skin or nettle-rash (hives)  unconsciousness due to very low blood pressure  abdominal cramps, vomiting or diarrhoea, or nausea and fever. Anaphylaxis varies in severity. Sometimes it causes only mild itchiness and swelling, but in some people it can cause sudden death. Anaphylaxis can lead to death if breathing becomes severely obstructed or if blood pressure becomes extremely low (known as shock). If symptoms start soon after contact with the allergen and rapidly get worse, this indicates that the reaction is more severe. 

What to do:


  • Anaphylaxis should always be treated as a medical emergency.


  • If available, an injection of a medicine called adrenaline should be given as soon as possible.


  • Some people with a previous history of anaphylaxis will have an auto-injector of adrenaline. 


  • This should be injected into their outer thigh muscle and held in place for 5-10 seconds. Instructions for how to use these auto-injectors can be found on the side of each device.


  • You should call 999 for an ambulance whether adrenaline has been given or not.


  • If after 5-10 minutes the person still feels unwell, a second injection should be given. This should be given in the opposite thigh.


  • A second dose may also be needed if the person improves and then becomes unwell again.


  • The person should lie flat with their legs raised on a chair or a low table. If they are having difficulty breathing, they should sit up to make breathing easier.


  • If the person is unconscious, you should move them in the recovery position (on their side, supported by one leg and one arm, with the head tilted back and the chin lifted). If the person's breathing or heart stops, CPR should be performed.


  • Further treatment will be carried out in hospital.